I want to interact with a bot which takes chat id and message id and replies based on the message of that chat id.
Usually I interact with the bot in a group chat using KeyboardButtonUrl
having link (e.g. here is that url behind KeyboardButtonUrl, https://t.me/SomeBot?start=-1001234567890_654321
) to the bot with data. I click on the button which directly opens the chat with bot & clicking on Start button, sends the command to the bot (I think bot fetches the message from the passed data having chat id and message id) .
Sending message '-1001234567890_654321' using send_message
function doesn't work as expected.
How can I achieve this using telethon ?
Also After searching in telethon docs, I could not find any function which returns a particular message after taking message id and chat id. get_messages
& iter_messages
returns specified no. of last msgs only.
You can use @oleskii's approach, but you can also just send a message like so:
client.send_message('bot username', '/start params_string')