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How to use the date range in PostgreSQL stored function?

I am new to SQL. I am using PostgreSQL. I have created the stored function called report:

  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION report(sensors VARCHAR,fromdate DATE,todate DATE) 
        sensor VARCHAR,
        id INT,
        value INT,
        created_date DATE
AS $$
    var_r record;
    FOR var_r IN(SELECT 
                FROM probe_data 
                WHERE probe_data.sensor =sensors AND probe_data.created_date >= fromdate AND  probe_data.created_date <=  todate )  
        sensor := var_r.sensor ; 
        id :=;
        created_date := var_r.created_date;
        value:= var_r.value;
        RETURN NEXT;

I want to get the data's between two date ranges.When I execute in SQL tool, it returns my desired output. But when I call the function

 let sql=  `select * from$1,$2,$3);`
 let values=[req.body.sensors,req.body.fromdates,req.body.todates];

from my nodejs program, I am getting the data's out of range.

Here is my screen shot:

scrreen shot from my postgresql query tool

and this screen shot from my postman. This is the structure of my return table

As you can see,In my second screen shot, I'm getting the data out of range. I don't where I am doing wrong.


  • Your parameter is declared as DATE but you are trying to pass a timestamp. So Postgres will cast the passed value to a date and you lose the time information. You need to define the parameter as timestamp if you want it to be treated as one. The return type of created_at should probably be a timestamp as well.

    You can also get rid of the CURSOR loop and PL/pgSQL as well:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION report(sensors VARCHAR, fromdate timestamp, todate timestamp) 
        RETURNS TABLE (sensor VARCHAR, id INT, value INT, created_date timestamp) 
    AS $$
      select pb.sensor,, pb.value, pg.created_date
      FROM probe_data 
      WHERE pb.sensor = sensors 
        AND pb.created_date >= fromdate 
        AND pb.created_date <= todate;
    language sql;