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Passing an empty JSON array as a parameter to an @JsonProperty annotated method

I'm trying to pass the an empty array value in my payload for a Rest Assured test so that it contains:

  "areaCode": []

I have a POJO representing the data object:

public class AreaDetails {

//declare fields here
private JsonArray areaCode;


Then trying to set the value in my test:

public void updateAreaCodes()  {

    a = new AreaCodes();

    //set other fields

I'm unclear what to pass as the parameter here, or indeed if I should declare the field as a JsonArray


  • POJO :

    public static class Example {
        private List<Object> areaCode = null;

    Test :

        Example e = new Example();
        e.setAreaCode(new JSONArray());
        String abc = new ObjectMapper().writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(e);