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How can I know if the message was delivered to a queue?

I'm using the stomp-client library and i want to know if it is possible to know if the message was delivered to the queue. Because im implementing a java service to do the dequeue of the messages and an node js to send the messages to the queue. the code bellow shows how I send the message to the queue.

this._stompClient.publish('/queue/MessagesQueue', messageToPublish, { })


  • When you send a SEND frame (i.e. publish a message) you can add a receipt header and then when you receive the RECEIPT frame from the broker you know it has successfully received the message. The STOMP specification says this about the receipt header:

    Any client frame other than CONNECT MAY specify a receipt header with an arbitrary value. This will cause the server to acknowledge receipt of the frame with a RECEIPT frame which contains the value of this header as the value of the receipt-id header in the RECEIPT frame.

    However, looking at the documentation for stomp-client I don't see any mention of how to receive RECEIPT frames. I actually would expect the ability to specify a callback on the publish method which was called when the RECEIPT frame is received. It doesn't appear that stomp-client supports working with receipts. Unfortunately that means there's no real way to confirm the message was received by the broker.

    I recommend you find a more mature STOMP client implementation that supports receipts. For example stomp-js supports receipts.