I am trying to retrieve information from a user from LDAP with the following Python code snippet. I am using the ldap3 library to query LDAP.
def searchUser():
server = Server('myLdapServer:389')
with Connection(server) as conn:
conn.search('ou=xuser,ou=xxx,o=com', '(attribute=cn=user,ou=yuser,ou=xxx,o=com)', attributes=['*'])
for entry in connection.entries:
return 'error in ldap search'
Unfortunately, I am not getting any result with this query even though when I enter the Ldap-Base and Ldap-Filter to the Softerra Ldap-Browser I am getting a result. I am using the same Ldap user with the Softerra-Browser and in the code.
Ok found the solution. Had to provide Credentials in the Connection like so:
with ldap3.Connection(server, user="myLdapUser", password="myLdapPassword", auto_bind=True)