Im having a little trouble with some return data that I'm getting when running a Query Builder then paginating the data
I was wondering if anyone knew how I could remove Null Results before I paginate the data.
// So Before I hit this
$return = $tld->paginate($request->get('limit'))->toArray();
This is the issue after I paginate
array:12 [
"current_page" => 1
"data" => array:12 [
0 => null
1 => array:3 [
I need to get rid of those Null values, I know how to do it after I paginate however I want to get rid of them before I paginate...
Im hoping that some of you laravel Gods can help me ..
Added this extra logic for $tld
private function newest(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'timescale' => [
Rule::in(['today', 'this_week', 'this_month', 'all_time'])
$tld = TimelineItem::where('timeline_items.created_at', '>', $this->timescaleToHours($request->get('timescale')));
if ($request->search_content) {
$tld = $this->searchContent($tld, $request->search_content, 0.4);
} else {
$tld = $tld->orderBy('timeline_items.created_at', 'DESC');
if ($request->types) {
$tld = $this->filters($tld, $request->types);
if ($request->tags) {
$tld = $this->tags($tld, $request->tags);
return $tld;
You can use filter() to remove null. Laravel Collection filter()
$response = $tld->paginate($request->get('limit'))->toArray();
$response['data'] = collect($response['data'])->filter()->toArray();
return $response;