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Change return value in Angular NgIf

I have a button in my angular 9 project as follows

 <button *ngIf="showRaiseButton()" [ngClass]="unlockRaiseButton()" (click)="showRaiseOptions()">RAISE
      <h3 class="text-on-btn-ch"> R</h3>

This button is displayed according to the return value of the function inside ngif which is

    return this.actionState === 'actBettedPot' || this.actionState === 'actNotBettedPot'
      || this.actionState === 'folded' || this.actionState === 'called'
      || this.actionState === 'checked' || this.actionState === 'bet'
      || this.actionState === 'raised';

I need to hide this button when I click on the button.The click is as follows

    if (this.unlockRaiseBtn){
      this.showRaiseOption = true;
      this.showBetOption = false;
      this.displayRaiseBtn = false;

How can I do this task.Please help


  • You should use ouside condition to show or hide a section in your view, ng-container does not put a html tag as div or ...

    for example you can use it like this:

    displayRaiseBtn: boolean = true;
    <ng-container *ngIf="displayRaiseBtn">
         <button *ngIf="showRaiseButton()" [ngClass]="unlockRaiseButton()" (click)="showRaiseOptions()">
            <h3 class="text-on-btn-ch"> R</h3>

    also you can use [hidden]='!displayRaiseBtn' into button, but i recommend first option.