I'm currently working on SDK that incapsulates all networking with my back-end. I try to make a class according to the UML:
but struggled with shared instance. I suppose it is a singleton instance and I made a single one like:
public class MIDNetwork {
/// Class sigleton instance
static public let sharedManager:MIDNetwork = MIDNetwork()
but I can't understand why I am not able to call class's methods via shared instance. I import my static library in test project and try to call methods like this:
func handleRequest() {
self.request = MIDNetwork.sharedManager.
Here is my class:
public class MIDNetwork {
/// Class sigleton instance
public static let sharedManager:MIDNetwork = MIDNetwork()
/// A network session
private var networkSession:URLSession = URLSession(configuration: .default)
///baseUrl is represented as an API endpoint
private static var baseUrl:URL = URL(string: "")!
// TODO: - Somehow figure out a client url
private var clientUrl:URL {
return self.clientUrl
func createRootIdentity(requestDataMode:MIDCreateRootIdentityRequest, handler: @escaping (APIResult<MIDIdentity>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? { }
func createDerivedIdentity(requestDataMode:MIDCreateDerivedIdentityRequest, handler: @escaping (APIResult<MIDDerivedIdentity>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? { }
func faceCheck(requestDataMode:MIDFaceCheckRequest, handler: @escaping (APIResult<MIDFaceCheckResult>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? { }
func getIdentityAdditionalInfo(derivedIdentityID:String, handler: @escaping (APIResult<MIDDerivedIdentityAdditionalInfo>) -> Void) -> URLSessionTask? { }
I tried to mark methods with public but after that I got an error:
Method cannot be declared public because its parameter uses an internal type
Who could explain where did I make mistakes? Appreciate your answers, thanks!
The problem was in: - public typealias APIResult<D:Decodable> = Result<D?, APIError> because it was declared as just typealias without public. Thanks for all!