Search code examples

How to actually catch the email address that cannot be found using the below Try/catch block?

The below code will check multiple lines of email address against the Exchange Online as per

Try {
    $EmailAliases = @(

    $EmailAliases | Get-EXORecipient | Select Name, RecipientType, @{Label = 'Email Address'; Expression = {($_.EmailAddresses | Where-Object {($_ -like 'SMTP*') -and ($_ -notlike '*') } | Sort-Object -CaseSensitive -Descending | ForEach-Object {$_.Split(':')[1]}) -join ', ' }} | Out-GridView
Catch {
    Write-Warning -Message "The email address $($EmailAliases) cannot be found"
    Write-Warning -Message $Error[0].Exception.Message
    $out.Details = $_.Exception.Message
    Write-Host " ERROR: $($out.Details)" -ForegroundColor Red

However, if the email address cannot be found, it is throwing error

Error code:

Get-EXORecipient : Error while querying REST service. HttpStatusCode=404 ErrorMessage={"error":{"code":"NotFound","message":"Error executing request. 
","details":[{"code":"Context","target":"","message":"Ex6F9304|Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ManagementObjectNotFoundException|The operation couldn't be performed because object '' couldn't be found on 
'NY2PR01A001DC02.NAMPR01A001.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM'."}],"innererror":{"message":"Error executing request. ","type":"Microsoft.Exchange.Admin.OData.Core.ODataServiceException"}}}}
At line:11 char:18
+     $EmailAliases | Get-EXORecipient | Select Name, RecipientType, @{ ...
+                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ProtocolError: (:) [Get-EXORecipient], RestClientException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : An error occurred while processing this request.,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.RestApiClient.GetExoRecipient


  • The Identity parameter on Get-EXORecipient takes a single item, not an array of email addresses, so I believe you need a loop do do this.
    Also, you do things inside the Try{} block that should not be there, like defining the array of email addresses to test. That is beter done before entering the loop where the try{}..catch{} is doing its job.


    $EmailAliases = '', '',
                    '', ''
    $result = foreach ($eml in $EmailAliases) {
        Try {
            Get-EXORecipient -Identity $eml -ErrorAction Stop | 
                Select-Object Name, RecipientType, 
                              @{Name = 'Email Address'; Expression = {
                                    ($_.EmailAddresses | 
                                     Where-Object { ($_ -like 'SMTP*') -and ($_ -notlike '*') } | 
                                     Sort-Object -CaseSensitive -Descending | 
                                     ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '^smtp:'}) -join ', ' }
                              @{Name = 'Details'; Expression = { 'OK' }}
        Catch {
            # inside the Catch block, the $_ automatic variable is the exception object
            Write-Warning -Message "The email address $eml cannot be found"
            $err = $_.Exception.Message
            Write-Warning -Message $err
            # output a similar object as in the catch block showing the failed email address
            "" | Select-Object @{Name = 'Name'; Expression = { 'Not found' }}, RecipientType,
                               @{Name = 'Email Address'; Expression = { $eml }},
                               @{Name = 'Details'; Expression = { $err }}
    $result | Out-GridView