I have an Angular app with nested routing. The parent router outlet has a sliding animation. One of the child components (essentially one of the root pages), has a router outlet of its own, the child router outlet does not animate though.
The sliding animation works fine among all root components. However, when I'm at the root component with a nested router outlet, a strange thing happens. If I navigate out of it to another root component, its contents (current child component) disappears before the route animation finishes.
I created the following stackblitz to illustrate the issue:
In the example, if you navigate between pages 1 and 2, no issue would appear. If you try to navigate from page3.child1 to either page 1 or page 2, the contents (the child component) will disappear before the animation terminates. Is there any way I can make the contents persist until the animation ends?
So I was able to solve the issue, though in a hacky way. What I did is to animate the children of the leaving route. I added the following in the group animation:
query(':leave *', [
animate(1, style({}))
], optional)
To see the solution in action:, the solution is the last couple of lines in the file animations.ts