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Unity Entities not rendering in play mode

I have tried to Instantiate an entity using code:

blobAssetStore = new BlobAssetStore();
GameObjectConversionSettings settings = GameObjectConversionSettings.FromWorld(defaultWorld,blobAssetStore);
Entity entity = GameObjectConversionUtility.ConvertGameObjectHierarchy(gameObjectPrefab, settings);      
entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new Translation { Value = position });

I have tried using the ConvertToEntity script. I have also created a subscene, all three methods are not rendering. I can see the entities in the Entity Debugger all the entities have a Translation, and the relevant render components, everything looks good. These are the ECS packages I have installed:

  • Burst 1.3.3
  • Collections 0.9.0-preview.6
  • Entities 0.11.1-preview.4
  • Hybrid renderer 0.5.2-preview.4
  • Jobs 0.2.10-preview.12

Using Unity 2020.1.0b12.3931

Any suggestions and ideas are welcome


  • I found the issue, it seems that even though this line of code creates an entity :

    Entity entityPrefab = GameObjectConversionUtility.ConvertGameObjectHierarchy(gameObjectPrefab, settings);

    It does not set the LocalToWorld coordinates as below: Snip of Enity Prefab LocalToWorld

    If I call Instantiate after the above line, with the previously created entity:

    Entity entity = entityManager.Instantiate(entityPrefab);

    Then the LocalToWorld is set correct to the Translation position passed in: enter image description here

    Even if I try and set the LocalToWorld component to the correct position using this:

     entityManager.SetComponentData(entityPrefab, new LocalToWorld { Value = new float4x4(quaternion.identity, position) });

    It still does not show, my only guess at the moment is that it has a Prefab component attached to it, as shown below:

    enter image description here

    Although even trying to remove this component does not show the entity created:

     entityManager.RemoveComponent(entityPrefab, typeof(Prefab));

    I am doing some more research on why this is and will post any finding here. The complete code now looks like this :

    private void InstantiateEntity(float3 position)
        blobAssetStore = new BlobAssetStore();
        GameObjectConversionSettings settings = GameObjectConversionSettings.FromWorld(defaultWorld, blobAssetStore);        
        Entity entityPrefab = GameObjectConversionUtility.ConvertGameObjectHierarchy(gameObjectPrefab, settings);
        Entity entity = entityManager.Instantiate(entityPrefab);
        entityManager.SetComponentData(entity, new Translation { Value = position });        

    I hope this helps someone in future.