I'm setting up a test project with Quasar, Electron, and serialport. When starting the application with a minimal serialport test, I get the following error:
vue-router.esm.js?85f8:2128 TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
at Function.getFileName (bindings.js?d8c5:178)
at bindings (bindings.js?d8c5:82)
at eval (win32.js?0965:1)
at Object../node_modules/@serialport/bindings/lib/win32.js (vendor.js:340)
at __webpack_require__ (app.js:854)
at fn (app.js:151)
at eval (index.js?3983:6)
at Object../node_modules/@serialport/bindings/lib/index.js (vendor.js:252)
at __webpack_require__ (app.js:854)
at fn (app.js:151)
The error even happens when I only include the serialport package without doing any more. It seems to be a basic problem. Code to reproduce the problem:
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import SerialPort from 'serialport';
export default class Index extends Vue {
test() {
console.log('test', SerialPort);
I tried everything I could find here, in the Quasar forum, etc. pp.: electron-rebuild, trying to config serialport as an external dependency, ...
I'm not quite sure if the rebuild process is working as expected, but I don't know what to check to make sure it does. The electron example project with serialport is working for me. Maybe it is a Quasar related thing?
Can I get more information on the rebuild process? I tried different combinations with specifying the version, but nothing is helping.
I also asked this question as an issue in the serialport repository, but adding it in the vue.config.js doesn't work, because I'm using Quasar as the CLI option.
I think the main problem is how to rebuild serialport properly for electron when Quasar is in place, which seems to be not working as expected.
I also had quite some trouble getting Serialport to run in Quasar and Electron, but I got it to work. The solution is not really pretty and might break in the future.
As you wrote, you need to run electron-rebuild. You can execute it by running "./node_modules/.bin/electron-rebuild". You should also put in in your package .json in the "scripts" section
"install": "electron-rebuild"
I used the Electron preload script to put serialport in the window object. Here is the documentation on how to enable this. In the electron-main.js, you also need to add the following line
app.allowRendererProcessReuse = false;
If missing, electron will fail to load.
In electron-preload.js, put this
window.serialport = require("serialport");
You can now use serialport in your Quasar project by using window.serialport.
Another problem I encountered was the fact that Quasar changes the package.json while packaging the project and removes the install script so electron-rebuild does not run while building and the packed version does not work. I managed to fix this by adding a "beforePackaging" Hook into the electron part of quasar.conf.js
//Top of the file
const path = require("path");
const crossSpawn = require("cross-spawn");
electron: {
beforePackaging(params) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const runner = crossSpawn(
path.join("node_modules", ".bin", "electron-rebuild"),
stdio: "inherit",
stdout: "inherit",
stderr: "inherit",
cwd: params.unpackagedDir
runner.on("close", () => {
Maybe somebody has a nicer solution to this, but I hope, this helps.