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Flutter-moor generator problem with build-runner

Whenever I try to run flutter packages pub run build_runner watch I get this error message in the Terminal

Failed to precompile build_runner:build_runner:
/C:/src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Too
many positional arguments: 0 allowed, but 1 found.
Try removing the extra positional arguments.
pub finished with exit code 1

this happend after i update moor_flutter plugin from ^1.6.0 => ^ 3.0.0 There is no errors with the older plugin This is my code

import 'package:moor_flutter/moor_flutter.dart';
part 'Database.g.dart';
class Users extends Table {
  IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
  TextColumn get name => text().withLength(min:1,max:50)();
  TextColumn get mobile => text().withLength(min:1,max:25)();
  DateTimeColumn get birthdate => dateTime()();
@UseMoor(tables : [Users ],daos:[UserDao])
class AppDatabase extends _$AppDatabase {
  AppDatabase():super(FlutterQueryExecutor.inDatabaseFolder(path: 'db.sqlite',
  logStatements: true));

  int get schemaVersion =>1;
@UseDao(tables:[Users ],)
class UserDao extends DatabaseAccessor<AppDatabase> with _$UserDaoMixin{
final AppDatabase db;

Future <List<User>> getAllUsers() => select(users).get();
  Stream <List<User>> watchAllUsers() {
    return (select(users)
              (p)=> OrderingTerm(,mode:OrderingMode.desc ),
              // (p)=> OrderingTerm(,mode:Ordering.desc )

  Stream <List<User>> watchUsersByName(String txt) {
     String qu="SELECT * FROM users where ";
     for (int i = 0; i < txt.length-1; i++){
            String c = txt[i];        
            qu=qu+"name like '%"+c+"%' and ";
     qu=qu+"name like '%"+txt[txt.length-1]+"%' ORDER BY id DESC";
     return customSelectStream(
      qu,readsFrom: {users}
       return => User.fromData(,db)).toList();

  Future insertUser(Insertable<User> user) => into(users).insert(user);
  Future updateUser(Insertable<User> user) => update(users).replace(user);
  Future deleteUser(Insertable<User> user) => delete(users).delete(user);

the vs code gives me errors in the Appdatabase constructor and customselectstream function but I searched the example in their Github repository and found the Appdatabase constructor is the same as mine. The problem still presists after I commented the watchusersbyname also I tried to remove the arguments from super in the Appdatabase constructor but nothing changed so can you please tell me what is the problem? Thanks in advance.


  • Here is the one command which you need to run and check for the solution

    flutter pub upgrade