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Ruby Convert a Java Byte Buffer object to String

Hi i am having an object in ruby which is of type Byte ByteBuffer

Object type: java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=437 cap=437]

I want to convert/decode this object into String in ruby


  • There's String.from_java_bytes extension however it does not take an (optional) offset and length thus first copy the buffer's content into a new byte[] array:

    >> bytes = Java::byte[buffer.limit].new
    => byte[0, 0, 0]@3427b02d
    >> buffer.get(bytes)
    => #<Java::JavaNio::HeapByteBuffer:0x3967e60c>
    >> bytes
    => byte[102, 111, 111]@3427b02d
    >> String.from_java_bytes bytes