Swagger documentation says you can do that:
But unfortunately drf-yasg not implementing this feature:
It is said, that I can add custom generator class, but it is a very general answer. Now I see that drf_yasg.openapi.Swagger
gets info
block and I have thoughts, that this might be right place to put global tags
section as an additional init argument, but it deeper, than customizing generator class and I have lack of knowledge of this module
Does anybody have solution to this particular problem, or at least maybe a link to some sort of tutorial, how to properly customize generator class?
Unfortunately, this is a current issue with drf-yasg.
To actually achieve this, you need to create your own schema generator class:
from drf_yasg.generators import OpenAPISchemaGenerator
class CustomOpenAPISchemaGenerator(OpenAPISchemaGenerator):
def get_schema(self, request=None, public=False):
"""Generate a :class:`.Swagger` object with custom tags"""
swagger = super().get_schema(request, public)
swagger.tags = [
"name": "api",
"description": "everything about your API"
"name": "users",
"description": "everything about your users"
return swagger
Make sure to also include it in your Schema View
from drf_yasg.views import get_schema_view
from drf_yasg import openapi
schema_view = get_schema_view(
title="My API",
Hope this works for you!