I have a website on Heroku that works normally when accessing from my computer, but when from another PC or any other device, it only shows a blank page.
Tried running heroku logs -t
but it doesn't show any issues. Can someone please help?
Sorry for my poorly explained question, but I found the solution to this issue. Since I'm working with the MERN Stack on this project, I was using the Redux DevTools Chrome Extension on both Opera and Chrome, and I was testing my site only on those browsers. When accessing from other browsers or devices that didn't have that extension, the site wouldn't load.
It happened because I was passing undefined (from browsers that didn't have the extension) to compose on my store.js, so I just had to comment that line:
const store = createStore(
// commented the line above and it loaded normally
I only use this extension for development, so there's no reason for deploying the final app with it. Hope this helps anyone who got this error :D