I am trying to write a simle rust console application that calls into WINAPI.
I will ommit the obvious use and extern crate parts of my code. Here it is:
fn win32_string(value : &str ) -> Vec<u16> {
OsStr::new( value ).encode_wide().chain( once( 0 ) ).collect()
fn main() {
println!("===== Rust Windows experiment #1 =====");
let module_name = win32_string("ntdll.dll");
let h_instance: HMODULE;
unsafe {
h_instance = GetModuleHandleW(module_name.as_ptr());
println!("Value of h_instance: {:#?}", h_instance);
I am building it against the target triple:
target = "i686-pc-windows-msvc"
As you can see I am targeting to build a 32 bit application. Now the output of my program is the following:
===== Rust Windows experiment #1 =====
Value of h_instance: 0x00007ffb61c40000
It is showing a 64 bit address. How can this happen? Am I writing the HMODULE value wrongly to the console, or what am I doing wrong?
With help from rodrigo: The build tag is supposed to be included in the .cargo\config file instead of the cargo.toml file, in order for the compiler to pick it up. :) After changing that the issue is now fixed. :)