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How to print the result of a function without using print ()?

I need to print the result of the Tukey test result within my function of my package. However, CRAN replied that I cannot use print () / cat (). If I use message (), the message does not come out in the format I want, as in print ().

res.aov <- aov(y ~ x, data= data)

print(tukey$`x[, 1]`)

With print (), the result comes out as I want it to appear on the console:

         diff         lwr        upr      p adj
2-1 0.0188276 0.003123183 0.03453202 0.01922062

But with message (), the result looks like this:


Any suggestions for the result to come out as with print ()? Thanks.


  • You can use the capture.output() function to save the wanted result from the print function to a variable. Then you properly format the strings and pass it to message(). See the example below:

    > x <- c(a = 1, b = 2)
    > print(x)
    # a b 
    # 1 2 
    > msg <- capture.output(print(x))
    > message(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"))
    # a b 
    # 1 2