Using jmespath and given the below json, how would I filter so only JobNames
starting with "analytics" are returned?
For more context, the json was returned by the aws cli command aws glue list-jobs
"JobNames": [
Tried this
JobNames[?starts_with(JobNames, `analytics`)]
but it failed with
In function starts_with(), invalid type for value: None, expected one of: ['string'], received: "null"
Above I extracted the jmespath bit, but here is the entire aws cli command I tried and failed is this
aws glue list-jobs --query '{"as_string": to_string(JobNames[?starts_with(JobNames, `analytics`)])}'
I couldn't test it on list-jobs
but the query part works on list-crawlers
. Just replaced the JobNames
with CrawlerNames
aws glue list-jobs --query 'JobNames[?starts_with(@, `analytics`) == `true`]'