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fixed size of graphObject in gojs diagram

I'm looking for a possibility to define graphObject fixed size, so that the scale will not affect it. (something like actualBounds- but not readOnly)


  • Perhaps you mean like the last example here:

    It shows how to make a fixed title that is unaffected by scale. It does this by repositioning and re-scaling it every time the viewport changes via a "ViewportBoundsChanged" listener.

            layerName: "Grid",  // must be in a Layer that is Layer.isTemporary,
                                // to avoid being recorded by the UndoManager
            _viewPosition: new go.Point(0,0)  // some position in the viewport,
                                               // not in document coordinates
          $(go.TextBlock, "A Title", { font: "bold 24pt sans-serif", stroke: "green" })));
      // Whenever the Diagram.position or Diagram.scale change,
      // update the position of all simple Parts that have a _viewPosition property.
      diagram.addDiagramListener("ViewportBoundsChanged", function(e) {
        e.diagram.commit(function(dia) {
          // only iterates through simple Parts in the diagram, not Nodes or Links
            // and only on those that have the "_viewPosition" property set to a Point
            if (part._viewPosition) {
              part.position = dia.transformViewToDoc(part._viewPosition);
              part.scale = 1/dia.scale;
        }, "fix Parts");