I am trying to run a simple Mutation in order to Upload an Image, but I am stack with this error: "Error: There can be only one type named "Upload"."
this is my code
import { FileUploadI, GraphQLUpload } from 'graphql-upload'
@Mutation(() => Picture)
async uploadPicture(@Arg('data', () => GraphQLUpload) data: FileUploadI): Promise<Picture> {
//.. implementation
I am using Apollo and Express as Server and Typescript with Type-Graphql
The reason of this Error is Apollo 2.0 "File Upload" feature.
You can read more about this feature in follow link:
the package 'graphql-upload' has scalar type Upload and Apollo server use 'graphql-upload' to handle file uploads too.
Maybe you can solve this problem using the apollo "file upload" feature, or, renaming the Upload that came from 'graphql-upload'.