I'm writing a telegram bot that will communicate with user and send him url as a result. I want to implement inline button which will do copy to clipboard
function for user. I want it because copying text by context menu is a bit longer and not that intuitive.
As I understand I can't do this by server-side code (by Python). So I suppose the only solution is to use Telegram functionality (bot's API and Telegram itself). But I can't find any.
I have found only this answer on stackoverflow. It describes that long press on Mono
font does copy text. And it does:
But It seems to me that there's no way to make a link copyable - it always turns to a link.
Can anyone suggest something helpful?
Unfortunately you can't do this because you don't have any access to user's clipboard maybe because of security reasons. You can see how are bots different from humans:
So the only possible trick is send as code as @egvo said in the comment.