the goal that I want to achieve is to emit a signal but delay it some time before it is actually emitted.
My idea for this was something like this:
emitLater(QObject *obj, QEvent *event, int msDelay)
connect(timout to obj and event...
start timer with msDelay...
//maybe I might need a public timer of some sort but the idea is clear
So this approach failed with the QEvent
parameter because Signals could not be converted to QEvents
I tried calling with std::bind in a couple of variations but I couldn't get it to work:
//the call
std::function<void(void)> signal = std::bind(&CustomPushButton_Header::clicked, &uiWindow->btnHeader_left); //just a random button to connect a valid signal
emitLater(signal, 2000);
//the function
emitLater(std::function<void(void)>, int msDelay)
qDebug() << "hi";
I would appreciate a solution that works for all Objects and all Signals... maybe only the part which does call the function. I think the delay will turn out easy.
Or you have a different and even easier approach. That would be nice.
some sources I looked in:
There is a function QTimer::singleShot()
that can trigger a signal/slot after a certain amount of time. I implemented it like this:
void MyWindow::emitLater(const QObject *obj, const char *signalOrSlot, int msDelay)
//use QTimer::singleShot() to trigger the signal/slot after a certain amount of time
QTimer::singleShot(msDelay, obj, signalOrSlot);
and use it like this:
void MyWindow::on_pushButton_5_clicked()
//trigger the "doing fancy stuff" function after 5 seconds (= 5000 ms)
emitLater(this, SLOT(setText()), 5000);
void MyWindow::setText()
//do some fancy stuff
ui->label_3->setText("Hello World!");
An alternative would be in the answer from ΦXocę 웃 Пepeúpa ツ and uses a lambda expression as call function for the QTimer::timout()
void MyWindow::on_pushButton_5_clicked()
//initialize timer
QTimer* t= new QTimer(this);
//do some fancy stuff after timeout
connect(t, &QTimer::timeout, [this]()
ui->label_3->setText("Hello World!");
//start the timer with delay of 5 seconds (= 5000 ms)