Search code examples

Format of URL for advanced Google search engine query

I am trying to find the advanced search query for HTML to automatically search the results.

For example, a plain query is, while image search query is

I can't find the query to automatically search the values from 4 text boxes through the Advanced Search engine.

The functionality I am looking for is that when I try searching for keywords from my web page it should go through the advanced search engine:

<form action="">


  • I found an alternative to going through the Advanced Search engine. The Advanced Search has a few parameters that are passed in the URL for a search query:

    • all these words: the operator passed is as_q like this.
    <input class="" type="text" name="as_q"> 
    • this exact word or phrase: the operator passed is as_epq
    • any of these words: the operator passed is as_oq
    • none of these words: the operator passed is as_eq

    So I named the HTML textboxes with the corresponding names and concatenated the above parameters to the search query.