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Hive SQL force shuffle

I have a simple query:

Select * 
from A
left join b on A.b = b.b
left join c on A.c = c.c
left join d on A.d = d.d
left join e on A.e = e.e
~20 tables

All tables b,c,d,e etc are small and therefore all joins are broadcast joins

The problem is that table A is big (like 300m records) and ill-partitioned. It has ~80 partitions and 15 of them contain 90% of data.

So, when broadcast join happens, only 15 cores do all join math and it takes 2 hours to finish.

My solution was to force shuffling of A by adding "order by"

Select * 
    (select * from A order by A.a) A
left join b on A.b = b.b
left join c on A.c = c.c
left join d on A.d = d.d
left join e on A.e = e.e

Here A.a is unique field combination.

Now A is shuffled to 200(by default) semi-equal partitions and resources are used in optimal way, it takes 35 mins to finish.

Is there more elegant way to force shuffle of table A, like some hint magic?


  • You can try distribute by <some evenly distributed key> in the subquery instead of order by.