I have list of strings as follows:
Austria: ac.at
Bangladesh: ac.bd
Belgium: ac.be
China: ac.cn
Cyprus: ac.cy
India: ac.in
And I need to get a list as follows:
$Resolved URL$ LIKE "*ac.at/*"
$Resolved URL$ LIKE "*ac.bd/*"
$Resolved URL$ LIKE "*ac.be/*"
$Resolved URL$ LIKE "*ac.cn/*"
$Resolved URL$ LIKE "*ac.cy/*"
$Resolved URL$ LIKE "*ac.id/*"
What is the best way to do this using regex replace?
You may try the following find and replace, in regex mode:
Find: ^.*?(\S+)$
Replace: $Resolved URL$ LIKE "*$1/*"
Here is an explanation of the regex:
^ from the start of the string
.*? consume (but do not capture) all content
(\S+) up until the final collection of non word characters and capture them
$ end of the input