I'm looking in to making a pH tester for my Android phone. I've found a pH electrode that will send a milliVolt signal which I can then use to convert into a pH reading (59.2 mV per pH unit @ 25° C). The question I'm having is would it be possible to connect the electrode to the headphone jack and directly read the milliVolt reading or would I need to convert the analog signal to digital first and then plug it in via USB? I'm not a big electronics guy but I'm doing this project on the side and hoping to learn from it.
I was thinking perhaps getting the mV reading from the headphone jack would be possible with the GetMaxAmplitude function like from this thread here: Range of values for GetMaxAmplitude. Although, from what I understand the lowest reading possible with this function is 0 and there are negative mV values that can be read when testing for pH.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
This should be asked in the electrical engineering site. But the best way is to use a Bluetooth-to-serial converter, ($5 off ebay) and a PIC microcontroller with USART and A/D converter, ($1), you could program the PIC quite easily in C with the 'MPLAB' IDE and 'HI-TECH' C compiler. The tools you'll need are a PIC programmer ($20) and something with a serial port if you want to configure the Bluetooth-serial converter, like a desktop PC or a USB-serial converter. You might need an op-amp circuit to amplify the signal so it's readable by the PIC. You'd then use code from Google's BluetoothChat example to get your phone connecting to your bluetooth system, and receiving data from it.
Using a microphone for input would be tricky, for one reason, because it will be filtered to accept only AC. One way to get round that would be to modulate an oscillator's output so its amplitude is proportional to the DC signal you're measuring, then you could measure the magnitude by analysing the data from the microphone.
Interfacing with USB is more difficult than it sounds, it would be harder to build something which would interface with that and measure millivolts, than with bluetooth, because the PIC processor you use for analog to digital sampling and USB client would in fact have to either act as USB host or USB OTG on a phone, which is far more complicated than being a USB peripheral.