Hey guys im trying to figure out how make an embed in a bot that basically shows a teams roster, but I can't figure out how to make the team players names in a column. I tried putting it in .addfield but it didn't work. Heres an example of what I'm trying to do 1
case 'roster':
const roster = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription('Rank: 3 | Region: EU | League: CCL')
.setFooter('bot made by alex :D')
Looks like that embed uses two fields, the second one having a blank title
The way you should go about this is first getting your roster list into an array, and then splitting the array in half:
//your roster array
const roster = [];
//round up so the first row always either has equal or more items
//use Math.floor() if you want the opposite
const midIndex = Math.ceil(roster.length / 2);
const firstRow = roster.slice(0, midIndex);
const secondRow = roster.slice(midIndex);
const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setDescription('Rank: 3 | Region: EU | League: CCL')
.addField("Roster", firstRow.join("\n"), true);
if (secondRow.length) {
// \u200b is what makes the invisble effect, you can have \u200b
// for both the key and value which would essentially make a blank line
embed.addField("\u200b", secondRow.join("\n"), true);
That would be inside of the case statement of course.