I have a service carriersService
with method getAll()
, which returns an Observable<Carrier[]>
In my component, I'm trying to read route parameter carrierId
, find the carrier with such carrierId
and assign it to a local variable
let carrier = null;
(params: ParamMap) => this.carriersService.getAll()));
I need to find a single Carrier from an Observable of Carrier[]
using params.get('carrierId')
and assign it to local carrier variable.
combineLatest will emit once both observables have emitted, this allows you to use the route param to find the carrier in the array.
this.route.paramMap.pipe(map(p => p.get('carrierId'))),
map(([carrierId, carriers]) => carriers.find(carrier => carrier.id === carrierId))
).subscribe(carrier => {
this.carrier = carrier;