I have a dataframe like this
ID value
1 c(YD11,DD22,EW23)
2 YD34
3 c(YD44,EW23)
And I want to query another database to tell me how many rows had these values in them. This will eventually be done in a loop through all rows but for now I just want to know how to do it for one row.
Let's say the database looks like this:
value data
YD11 2222
WW20 4040
EW23 2114
YD44 3300
XH29 2040
So if I just looked at row 1, I would get:
sprintf("SELECT * FROM sql_database WHERE value IN %i",
df1$value[1]) %>%
And the other rows would be :
Row 2: 0
Row 3: 2
Row 4: 0
I don't need the loop created but because my code doesn't work I would like to know how to query all rows of a table which have a value in an R list.
You do not need a for loop for this.
df1 <- tibble(
id = 1:4,
value = list(c("YD11","DD22","EW23"), "YD34", c("YD44","EW23"), NA)
# creating in memory database table
df2 <- tibble(
value = c("YD11", "WW20", "EW23", "YD44", "XH29"),
data = c(2222, 4040, 2114, 3300, 2040)
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
# Add auxilary schema
tmp <- tempfile()
DBI::dbExecute(con, paste0("ATTACH '", tmp, "' AS some_schema"))
copy_to(con, df2, in_schema("some_schema", "some_sql_table"), temporary = FALSE)
# counting rows
df1 %>%
unnest(cols = c(value)) %>%
left_join(tbl(con, dbplyr::in_schema("some_schema", "some_sql_table")) %>% collect(), by = "value") %>%
mutate(data = if_else(is.na(data), 0, 1)) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
summarise(n = sum(data))