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Spring 3, ReST, @ResponseBody and @ExceptionHandler

I have been trying to get exception handling working in my simple Spring 3 based ReST web services. Based on everything I have seen, there is a bug that prevents this from working automatically with the @ResponseBody and @ExceptionHandler annotations

So given that it isn't supported until Spring 3.1 or 3.0.6, what is the current best method for doing exception handling? I have seen numerous posts but haven't found a clear answer that has worked for me. An ideal solution would be one that automatically provides support for both xml and json

  • Do I have to manually define the entire marshalling setup? Won't this remove the need for the annotations that make using Spring 3 rest support worth it?
  • Seems in order to manually define marshalling (i.e. Jaxb2Marshaller) I need to add a new dependency on spring-ws which is a bit of a pain
  • Is it easier to just define a 'Response' object that all my methods return and wrap all functions in try/catch blocks?


  • You can redirect on error and then return something in @ResponseBody:

    public ModelAndView handleMyException(Exception  exception) {
        return new ModelAndView("redirect:errorMessage?error="+exception.getMessage());
    @RequestMapping(value="/errorMessage", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public String handleMyExceptionOnRedirect(@RequestParameter("error") String error) {
        return error;

    Little ugly, but this is just work around till the fix will be available.