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What is the proper way to thread tornado+flask app?

I made a web app with flask and ran it with flask's own web server with parameter 'threaded=True'. It worked perfectly.'', port=5000, threaded=True)

But sooner I've found that it's only suitable for dev environment, so I decided to use 'tornado'. But it doesn't work concurrently.

http_server = HTTPServer(WSGIContainer(app))

Is there any parameter like 'threaded=True' of flask to thread? Or should I do it manually? If so, what is the proper way to do it?


  • Tornado's WSGIContainer does not support threads, which means that it is also not suitable for most production usage (the rest of Tornado is, just not WSGIContainer). It's only a good idea to use Tornado's WSGIContainer when it's important to serve both Tornado RequestHandlers and WSGI applications in the same process. Otherwise, I recommend gunicorn or uwsgi.