So I have a random color function that I want to apply to a selection of points but it gives me a random color for each point rather one random color for the selection of points.I know the selecting part works but I'm not sure how to make it call upon that random color generator only once per color. Here is what I have so far. Thanks for any advice/help!
include "mapbasic.def"
include "menu.def"
include "icons.def"
Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub Color
Declare Sub RndColor
Declare Function ChangeSymbolColour (ByVal objTarget as Object, ByVal stringAttribute as String) as Object
' ==========================
Sub Main
Dim i, nRecords as integer
Dim ColValue As Alias
Dim s_ColValues(50) as String
'// - Query your table and group wanted column (list of unique values)
Select Symbology from YOUR_TABLE2 group by Symbology into UNIQUE_values
'// - Populate array with all unique values (from first column in UNIQUE_values table)
print "new"
For i = 1 to SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS)
ReDim s_ColValues(i)
Fetch rec i From UNIQUE_values
ColValue = UNIQUE_values + ".col1"
s_ColValues(i) = ColValue
Select * from Your_Table2 where Symbology= s_ColValues(i) into Selection
Call Color
End Sub
Sub RndColor
Dim Color as integer
Color = RGB((254*Rnd(1)+1),(254*Rnd(1)+1),(254*Rnd(1)+1))
End Sub
Sub Color
Update Your_table2 set Obj = ChangeSymbolColour(obj, symbology)
End Sub
Function ChangeSymbolColour (ByVal objTarget as Object, ByVal stringAttribute as String) as Object
Dim newSymbol as Symbol
Dim nColour as Integer
newSymbol = MakeFontSymbol(36, nColour, 5, "Map Symbols", 0, 0)
Alter Object objTarget Info OBJ_INFO_SYMBOL, newSymbol
ChangeSymbolColour = objTarget
End Function
You need to generate the random colour outside of the function and then pass it in as a parameter rather than generating a new colour every time the function is called. Also, you don't seem to be using the StringAttribute parameter of the function, is this really required?
Sub Main
Dim nColour as Integer
Select * from MyTable where ... into MySelection
nColour = GetRandomColour()
Update MySelection Set Obj = ChangeSymbolColour(obj, nColour)
End Sub
Function GetRandomColour() as Integer
GetRandomColour = RGB((254*Rnd(1)+1),(254*Rnd(1)+1),(254*Rnd(1)+1))
End Function
Function ChangeSymbolColour (ByVal objTarget as Object, ByVal nColour as Integer) as Object
Dim newSymbol as Symbol
newSymbol = MakeFontSymbol(36, nColour, 5, "Map Symbols", 0, 0)
Alter Object objTarget Info OBJ_INFO_SYMBOL, newSymbol
ChangeSymbolColour = objTarget
End Function