I am trying to deploy a serverless project which has s3 bucket creation cloudformation in the serverless.yml file, but the problem is when I tried to deploy, it says the s3 bucket already exists and failing the deployment.
I know s3 bucket name should be globally unique, and I am damn sure it is a unique name that I am using, even if changed to something else, it still says the same.
the cloudformation stack it says the s3 bucket exists is actually the newly created stack, not sure how to fix this issue. can anyone help me out with this issue and tell me how to fix the deployment issue and the cause for the issue :).
Thanks in advance.
The issue I had was, for one of the lambdas I had the above-mentioned bucket as the event source
, so when some bucket is added as event source it actually creating that bucket as well, therefore when it runs the actual creation related cloudformation it is saying the bucket already exists.
So I fixed it by only keeping the event source and removed the actual declaration of that bucket.