Im running into an issue with ObjectMapper and the way a json response is coming back from a server. Is there a way to have ObjectMapper parse this response and create an array of rooms?
Currently I cannot straight map the json as the keys are unique, and will change every request, as well I cannot use the ObjectMapper way of accessing nested objects with dot notation, rooms.0.key
as I am unsure how many objects there are, as well as the key that will show up.
Is there a simple way of parsing this reponse.
"rooms": {
"165476": {
"id": "165476",
"area": {
"square_feet": 334,
"square_meters": 31
"165477": {
"id": "165477",
"area": {
"square_feet": 334,
"square_meters": 31
Use Codable
to parse the above JSON response.
struct Rooms: Codable {
let rooms: [String:Room]
struct Room: Codable {
let id: String
let area: Area
struct Area: Codable {
let squareFeet: Int
let squareMeters: Int
Parse the JSON data
like so,
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let response = try decoder.decode(Rooms.self, from: data)
print(response.rooms.first?.key) //for the above json it will print "165476"
} catch {