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Change 404 page in vuepress

Is it possible to change / customize the 404 page of Vuepress without ejecting and having to change the whole theme?

I am currently using the enhanceApp.js, but I'm unsure how I can change the router options (the catchall route) as the Router is already created. The way I got it working right now is this:

router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  if (to.matched.length > 0 && to.matched[0].path === "*") {
  } else {

However, this feels like a hack as I always redirect to a custom and existing page containing my 404. Is there a more official way to do this?


  • I have a site based on Vuepress 1.5.x, and I was able to simply create a page named NotFound.vue under theme/layouts. No enhanceApp.js changes needed.

    Vuepress itself seems already aware of this reserved layout name, based on the code here.

    I previously had that page named 404.vue, but I was getting a warning saying that pages should follow proper HTML 5 component naming standards. Simply renaming it to NotFound.vue did the trick.

    Contents of my NotFound.vue file:

        <template #content>
          <v-container class="text-center">
            <div class="py-6" />
            <p>Nothing to see here.</p>
            <v-btn class="cyan--text text--darken-3"
              exact :to="'/'" text>Go home</v-btn>
    export default {
      name: "NotFound"