In our Behave-based BDD tests we see a need to add some metadata to the scenarios (for the purpose of test reports). The data is in the form of key/value pairs with a handful of keys and values are typically numbers. The structure will be parsed by our custom test report generator during and/or after the test run.
Is there a canonical way to do this in Gherkin? We considered adding them to the text of the scenario itself, e.g.
Scenario: Some scenario (somekey=42)
When ...
Behave also supports tags
Scenario: Some scenario
When ...
but since tags have side effects (test selection), this seems messy. Another option we have is to do e.g.
Scenario: Some scenario
Given something
When something
Then assert
Then report somekey 42
but no solution feels "clean". Is there a canoncal way in Gherkin to accomplish what we are trying to do?
This is no canonical way to associate meta data with scenarios or features. The closest thing you have is tags. There is nothing particularly wrong with using tags. Sure you can filter your tests by tags, but that doesn't mean you cannot make up your own tag format for meta data. You can do additional processing in a before or after scenario callback/hook.
If you do not need to do any processing during a test run, you can always use comments and then make up your own format. You can write a script to parse the comments in the feature files in a custom script, if you want. I'm sure as long as you are consistent it should be fine.
Gherkin language reference: