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oracle, procedure, table with params

I want to create a procedure in Oracle PL/SQL that allows to analyze cash flows based on parameters.

create table cfl_param (
contract_type varchar2(20),
new_cfl_month number,
cfl_percentage number

create table cfl_table (
contract_id varchar2(20),
contract_type varchar2(20),
cfl_analyze varchar2(20),
cfl_date date,
cfl_value number

insert into cfl_param values
('A', 6, 0.4);

insert into cfl_param values
('A', 9, 0.3);

insert into cfl_table values
('A_1', 'A', 'N', date '2020-07-31', 1000);

Table cfl_param has parameters for every contract type such as new cash flows date and percentage of new cash flow. In my example contract_type A, has got two dates of new cash flows first one in 6 months (40% of cfl_value), second one in 9 months (30% of cfl_value).

Table 'cfl_table' has data about cash flows, originally every contract_id has got value 'N' in column cfl_analyze.

For contract_type with value 'A' the procedure has to insert 3 new rows: 2 with new dates and 30% and 40% of cfl_value and another one with 30% of value but with orignally cfl_date. I'd like to obtain something like that:

Table with results of the procedure


  • You don't really need a procedure. You can generate the extra values with a query like:

    select ct.contract_id, ct.contract_type, 'Y' as cfl_analyze,
      ct.cfl_date, 0.3 * ct.cfl_value as cfl_value
    from cfl_table ct
    where ct.contract_id = 'A_1'
    union all
    select ct.contract_id, ct.contract_type, 'Y' as cfl_analyze,
      add_months(ct.cfl_date, cp.new_cfl_month) as cfl_date,
      ct.cfl_value * cp.cfl_percentage as cfl_value
    from cfl_table ct
    join cfl_param cp on cp.contract_type = ct.contract_type
    where ct.contract_id = 'A_1';
    -------------------- -------------------- - ---------- ----------
    A_1                  A                    Y 2020-07-31        300
    A_1                  A                    Y 2021-01-31        400
    A_1                  A                    Y 2021-04-30        300

    The first branch of the union gets the original date with a fixed 30% value; the second branch of the union calculates the other dates and values based on the parameters.

    Then you can use that in an insert statement:

    insert into cfl_table (contract_id, contract_type, cfl_analyze, cfl_date, cfl_value)
    select ct.contract_id, ct.contract_type, 'Y', ct.cfl_date, 0.3 * ct.cfl_value
    from cfl_table ct
    where ct.contract_id = 'A_1'
    union all
    select ct.contract_id, ct.contract_type, 'Y',
      add_months(ct.cfl_date, cp.new_cfl_month),
      ct.cfl_value * cp.cfl_percentage
    from cfl_table ct
    join cfl_param cp on cp.contract_type = ct.contract_type
    where ct.contract_id = 'A_1';
    3 rows inserted.
    select * from cfl_table;
    -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
    A_1                  A                    N                    2020-07-31       1000
    A_1                  A                    Y                    2020-07-31        300
    A_1                  A                    Y                    2021-01-31        400
    A_1                  A                    Y                    2021-04-30        300


    You can of course wrap that in a procedure if you want or need to.

    It would be a bit simpler if you added the 30% as an extra parameter:

    insert into cfl_param values
    ('A', 0, 0.3);

    Then you wouldn't need the union:

    insert into cfl_table (contract_id, contract_type, cfl_analyze, cfl_date, cfl_value)
    select ct.contract_id, ct.contract_type, 'Y',
      add_months(ct.cfl_date, cp.new_cfl_month),
      ct.cfl_value * cp.cfl_percentage
    from cfl_table ct
    join cfl_param cp on cp.contract_type = ct.contract_type
    where ct.contract_id = 'A_1';
