Search code examples

Comparing two datasets using data.table

Consider the following datasets

data_00 <- data.table(ID = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,5,5,6), 
                COLOUR = c("blue","green","yellow","yellow","red","blue","green","green","white","green","blue","yellow","white"))

data_01 <- data.table(ID=c(1,2,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,6,6),

 1:  1   blue
 2:  1  green
 3:  1 yellow
 4:  2 yellow
 5:  2    red
 6:  2   blue
 7:  3  green
 8:  3  green
 9:  3  white
10:  4  green
11:  5   blue
12:  5 yellow
13:  6  white

 1:  1    red
 2:  2   blue
 3:  2  green
 4:  2  white
 5:  3 yellow
 6:  3   blue
 7:  4  white
 8:  4  green
 9:  5   blue
10:  6  white
11:  6   pink

with ID representing a person's identification and colour the wall colour of the person's room. I use the data.table package as the real data is very big and thus an efficient package is required. I want to compare the colours stated in b with the colours in a, investigating whether a specific household had this wall colour also in the year before and add a third column to data_01 with the logical values for this question.

I tried with

data_01 <- data_01[COLOUR00:=(COLOUR %in% data_00$ID[COLOUR]),by=ID]
but the logical values returned are wrong.

The expected output is supposed to be:

 1:  1    red     FALSE
 2:  2   blue      TRUE
 3:  2  green     FALSE
 4:  2  white     FALSE
 5:  3 yellow     FALSE
 6:  3   blue     FALSE
 7:  4  white     FALSE
 8:  4  green      TRUE
 9:  5   blue      TRUE
10:  6  white      TRUE
11:  6   pink     FALSE

I want to have an extra row indicating whether the colour was present in the households home the year before. Can someone help me tackle this problem?


  • A very simple approach would be:

    data_01[, last_year := paste(ID,COLOUR) %chin% data_00[, paste(ID,COLOUR)]]
        ID COLOUR last_year
     1:  1    red     FALSE
     2:  2   blue      TRUE
     3:  2  green     FALSE
     4:  2  white     FALSE
     5:  3 yellow     FALSE
     6:  3   blue     FALSE
     7:  4  white     FALSE
     8:  4  green      TRUE
     9:  5   blue      TRUE
    10:  6  white      TRUE
    11:  6   pink     FALSE

    Using joins:

    data_01[, last_year := FALSE
            ][data_00, on = .(ID,COLOUR), last_year := TRUE]