i'm pretty new to python but i know how to use most of the things in it, included random.choice. I want to choose a random file name from 2 files list.
To do so, i'm using this line of code:
minio = Minio('myip',
images = minio.list_objects('mybucket', recursive=True)
for img2 in images:
names = img2.object_name
Everytime i try to run it, it prints always the same file's name (c81d9307-7666-447d-bcfb-2c13a40de5ca.png)
I tried to put the "print" function in the "for" block, but it prints out both of the files' names
You are setting the variable names
to one specific instsance of images right now. That means it is only a single value. Try adding them to an array or similar instead.
For example:
names = [img2.object_name for img2 in images]