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Can I create a ByteBuddy instrumented type with a private static final MethodHandle field in it?

I have asked a similar question in the past but could not make it work (it was not clear if it was possible).

Now I find myself in a situation where I need to make a private static final field whose type (in my case) is MethodHandle.

In Java, of course, I could simply do:

private static final MethodHandle mh = goGetMethodHandle();

…where goGetMethodHandle() is a static function that returns the MethodHandle I need.

Or, equivalently, I could do:

private static final MethodHandle mh;
static {
  mh = goGetMethodHandle();

I am not sure what the ByteBuddy recipe should be here.


  • Your solution can be accomplished more easily using the DSL:

      .defineField("gorp", MethodHandle.class, 
         Visibility.PRIVATE, Ownership.STATIC, SyntheticState.SYNTHETIC, FieldManifestation.FINAL)