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Problem with Publishing my App in F-Droid

I have an android project named SimpleVideoEditor, and I would like to submit it into F-Droid. So I was following this tutorial by F-Droid. Now in the building-it subsection, they say

Make sure that `fdroid lint` doesn't report any warnings. If it does, fix them.

So I tried $ fdroid lint com.fahimfarhan.simplevideoeditor and it gave me this error:


com.fahimfarhan.simplevideoeditor: Build generated by `fdroid import` - remove disable line once ready

At first I didnot even know that this is an error and so I submitted my app. But later I got an Email that says my build failed. So I am trying to fix it. What does this error even mean? I don't understand how to fix this issue. I did Google but the search result doesnot make any sense. Sorry for not including anything else because this is all I have. I am confused. Could anyone help me?


  • I found the fix to this problem. Their must be a line inside build in your yaml file which might be something like this.

    disable: Generated by - check/set version fields and commit id

    You have to remove this line and then you will pass all the lint errors. Your builds list should look something like this.

      - versionName: '2.0'
        versionCode: 2
        commit: commitId
        subdir: app
          - yes

    The auto generated looks something like this -

      - versionName: '2.0'
        versionCode: 2
        disable: Generated by - check/set version fields and commit id
        commit: '?'
        subdir: app
          - yes

    Remove the disable line and add the commit and you will be good to go.