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Formatting SQL queries to avoid SQL Injection

I have to use an SQL query like the one below in a Node.js app.

SELECT * FROM my_table
WHERE my_column IN ['name1','name2']

The array ['name1', 'name2'] is inputted by the user. And it may contain more than 2 names sometimes. How do I format this query using the pg-format package to avoid SQL injection?


  • Aren't the IN clause arguments supposed to be wrapped using parentheses? Anyway, here's an example on formatting using pg-format,

    var format = require('pg-format');
    var sql = format("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column IN (%L, %L)", 'Alice', 'Bob'); // name1, name2

    Edit 1: With dynamic names using an array,

    var format = require('pg-format');
    var names = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'];
    var inCaluseStr = '(' + Array(names.length).fill('%L').join(',') + ')';
    var sql = format.withArray("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column IN " + inCaluseStr, names);

    I hope this helps.