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Downloading Images from list of URLs (Scrapy sends 2 requests per url)

So I ran a crawler last week and produced a CSV file that lists all the image URLs I need for my project. After reading the CSV to a python list, I was unsure how to use Scrapy to simply download them through a pipeline. I've tried many things and recently I got it to work, but it's ugly and not quite right. For my list of 10 image URLs, Scrapy finishes the scrape with 20 requests made even tho 10 images were correctly stored. I am probably doing something stupid because I am fairly new to Scrapy, but I've read through most of Scrapy's documentation and quite a bit of trial and error with google results.

I simply want Scrapy to send one request per URL and download the corresponding image. Any help would be appreciated. I have banged my head against this for 3 days. My code:

import scrapy
import csv
import itertools
from ..items import ImgItem

with open('E:/Chris/imgUrls.csv') as csvDataFile:
    csvReader = csv.reader(csvDataFile)
    for elem in itertools.islice(csvReader, 0, 10):
        urls.append(elem[0])                #Just doing first 10 for testing
                                            #My Csv file is not the problem
                                            # ...1 url per row
class DwImgSpider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'dw-img'
    start_urls = urls

    def parse(self, response):
        item = ImgItem()
        img_urls = urls
        item['image_urls'] = img_urls
        return item

If you want to see additional files, I can edit this to add them. I just figured this was where the problem came from since it does technically work. Thanks again, appreciate any help or redirects.


  • Another method.

    import csv,os
    import itertools
    from simplified_scrapy import Spider, SimplifiedMain, utils
    class ImageSpider(Spider):
      name = 'images'
      start_urls = []
      def __init__(self):
          with open('E:/Chris/imgUrls.csv') as csvDataFile:
              csvReader = csv.reader(csvDataFile)
              for elem in itertools.islice(csvReader, 0, 10):
          Spider.__init__(self, # Necessary
          if(not os.path.exists('images/')):
      def afterResponse(self, response, url, error=None, extra=None):
        except Exception as err:
            print (err)
        return None 
    SimplifiedMain.startThread(ImageSpider()) # Start download