I have a CSV file with different lines:
And in a folder of photos that must have the naming format "A1101_0090-1.JPG" for the first view for example.
I wrote a code that allows you to have two things:
My script works but when I put a big photo folder with more than 5000 photos for example, the processing is very long... how could I improve my code ?
echo '<pre>';
$dataImage = [];
$dataImageTmp = [];
$path = $_POST['path'];
$photos = scandir($path);
$photos = array_map('strtoupper', $photos);
if (($handle = fopen("../RC_PRODUCT_HUB.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
$firstLine = true;
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 9000000, ";")) !== FALSE){
if (!$firstLine){
if ($data[0] != null) {
$countImage = count(glob($path . $data[6] . '_' . $data[7] . '*.*'));
for ($i = 0; $i <= $countImage; ++$i) {
if ((file_exists($fileName = $path.$data[6].'_'.$data[7].'-'.$i.'.JPG'))){
if (!in_array($fileName, $dataImage)){
$dataImage[$data[6] . '_' . $data[7]]['file'][$i] = $fileName;
$fileName = str_replace($path, '', $fileName);
if (!in_array($fileName, $dataImageTmp)){
$dataImageTmp[] = $fileName;
$dataImage[$data[6] . '_' . $data[7]]['TOTAL'] = $countImage;
$firstLine = false;
echo count($dataImage)." refs founds.<br>";
$dataImageTmp = array_map('strtoupper', $dataImageTmp);
$resultat = array_diff($photos, $dataImageTmp);
$element = '.';
unset($resultat[array_search($element, $resultat)]);
$element2 = '..';
unset($resultat[array_search($element2, $resultat)]);
echo count($resultat)." photos found.<br>";
foreach ($resultat as $result) {
echo ($result) . '<br>';
Don't call glob()
. Just use a loop that processes each file that matches the pattern in numeric order. You can stop the loop when the file doesn't exist.
I assume there are no gaps in your numeric sequence of filenames.
if (($handle = fopen("../RC_PRODUCT_HUB.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
fgets($handle); // skip header line
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 9000000, ";")) !== FALSE){
if ($data[0] != null) {
for ($i = 1; file_exists($fileName = $path.$data[6].'_'.$data[7].'-'.$i.'.JPG'); ++$i) {
if (!in_array($fileName, $dataImage)){
$dataImage[$data[6] . '_' . $data[7]]['file'][$i] = $fileName;
$fileName = str_replace($path, '', $fileName);
if (!in_array($fileName, $dataImageTmp)){
$dataImageTmp[] = $fileName;
if (isset($dataImage[$data[6] . '_' . $data[7]]['TOTAL'])) {
$dataImage[$data[6] . '_' . $data[7]]['TOTAL']++;
} else {
$dataImage[$data[6] . '_' . $data[7]]['TOTAL'] = 1;