I've seen a ton of examples related to conditional attributes, they all talk about this:
<img data-srcset="${myModel.isPrimaryImg ? '/img/image1.jpg': '/img/image2.jpg'}" >
This either renders
<img data-srcset="/img/image1.jpg" >
<img data-srcset="/img/image2.jpg" >
Depeneding on whether ${myModel.isPrimaryImg} is true or false respectively
this is not what I want, the above example deals with the "value" part of the attribute
I want to put the ternery condition on the "Key" part of the attribute as below:
<img ${myModel.isTrue ?'data-srcset=' : 'srcset='} = "/img/common-image.jpg" >
And I would expect it to render
<img data-srcset= "/img/common-image.jpg" >
<img srcset= "/img/common-image.jpg" >
This was possible using JSP as much as I remember
The only way I can expect it to work as I want is if I add the condition like this:
<img data-sly-test="${myModel.isTrue}" data-srcset = "/img/common-image.jpg" ><!-- When TRUE -->
<img data-sly-test="${!myModel.isTrue}" srcset = "/img/common-image.jpg" >!-- When FALSE -->
But this needs two whole tags to be present one for each condition
Is there a better way to put the ternary condition in HTL for data-attribute keys and not values ?
I have a lot of such tags so I was thinking if I could fit the condition in one line only or else I'll end up doubling the number of tags, where each tag will contain one attribute based on the value of the flag one for true and one for false condition.
You can either:
and expose the attributes as a map via a Use-Object object. You can then control the map keys in your Use-Object.<img data-srcset="${myModel.isTrue ? '/img/common-image.jpg' : ''}" srcset="${!myModel.isTrue ? '/img/common-image.jpg' : ''}">
That is reasonably readable and will keep your HTL script HTML-valid.