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Mongodb aggregate query to get data based on a list obtained from another collection

I have two collections. Users and Clients


{"_id":{"$oid":"599d8864a5304114ac9b8a0a"},"id":"company1","name":"Big Company", "users":["Jack", "Martin"]}
{"_id":{"$oid":"599d8864a5304114ac9b8a0b"},"id":"company2","name":"Super Big Company", "users":["Kate", "Jack"]}



Having one username I would like to get a list of Users from the Companies this user is a member of.

So the flow would be like this:

Find all companies which have Jack in the list of their users -> extract and join arrays -> Return the list of User objects with matching username from the array

I know it should be possible to get this in one query using aggregate function and $lookup, but I've failed miserably trying to make it work.


  • db.Clients.aggregate([
                "from": "Users",
                "localField": "users",
                "foreignField": "username",
                "as": "user_details"
    {"$match": {"users":"Jack"}},
    {"$unwind": "$user_details" },
    {"$project": {"user_details" :1,"_id":0}}