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Initialization of a struct defined in a templated parent class

I have defined a struct within the protected section of a parent class, which I would like to use in an inherited class.

This works as expected if the parent/child classes aren't templated classes. But does not compile as-is below.

Specifically, the compiler (clang 8.0.1) reports:

inheritance_example.cpp:33:26: error: unknown type name 'Node'
        this->head = new Node(toAdd);

From what I have read, I am guessing that the template type specification isn't being assigned to Node, and is thus not being found by the inherited class, but trying the fixes I have found in that vein (i.e. add something along the lines of using Parent<T>::Node, or add a type specifier to the call to the Node constructor), have not worked for me.

Any ideas on how to fix this issue?


template <class T>
class Parent 
   struct Node
      Node(int value) 
         this->data = value;
         this->next = nullptr;

      ~Node() {};
      Node* next;
      int data;

   Node* head;

   Parent() {};
   ~Parent() {};

template <class T>
class Child : Parent<T>

      this->head = nullptr;

      delete this->head;
      this->head = nullptr;

   void dummyAdd(T toAdd) {
      this->head = new Node(toAdd);

   void dummyPrint() 
      std::cout << this->head->data << std::endl;

int main() 
   Child<int> t;
   return 0;


  • In order to pack the comment into an answer!

    Node is a depended name and hence you need to use keyword typename there. Meaning in the dummyAdd function, you need

    void dummyAdd(T toAdd) 
       this->head = new typename Parent<T>::Node(toAdd);
       //               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 

    That is, however, a bit verbose/ more typing. Therefore providing a type alias for Node in the Child will be a good idea.

    template <class T>
    class Child : Parent<T> 
       using Node = typename Parent<T>::Node;  // template type alias
       void dummyAdd(T toAdd) 
          this->head = new Node(toAdd);       // now you can this
       // other code...