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Rundeck - Reference Job: ${} as Node filter

on Rundeck (3.2.6-20200427) I created two Jobs called testjob and subjob.

testjob should call reference job subjob.

In workflow of subjob, I added a task "Job Reference" and selected another job. There I set "Run as a" to "Node Step". See screenshot testjob-task1.

enter image description here

Then I entered '${}' as Node filter.

enter image description here

Unfortunatelly, if I run testjob, then I got error:

1. generic/subjob: No nodes matched for the filters: NodeSet{includes={name=${}, dominant=false, }}

What did I wrong? I didn't add option into workflow because I read, it is not needed if the job is run as a Node Step. Am I wrong? Also I'm wondering, why the error log doesn't tell like '...NodeSet{includes=node01, dominant=false, }}', it seems that the variable is not set properly there.


  • Testing directly with one job ${} doesn't work as a filter, you can use some option (or string) that matches any node in your model source, as the following example (parent-child workflow using some option example).

    Parent Job:

          <options preserveOrder='true'>
            <option name='optparent' value='node00' />
        <plugins />
        <sequence keepgoing='false' strategy='node-first'>
            <jobref name='Child' nodeStep='true'>
              <arg line='-mynodes ${option.optparent}' />

    Child Job:

          <options preserveOrder='true'>
            <option name='mynodes' value='node00' />
        <plugins />
        <sequence keepgoing='false' strategy='node-first'>
            <exec>echo "hi"</exec>