I am trying to connect quarkus reactive datasource using (Google Cloud SQLproxy). You are able to run the cloud_sql_proxy as unix socket available connection.In this way:
./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/tmp/cloudsql -instances=proyectA:europe-west1:cloudsql-sandbox-ephemeral -credential_file=../security/proyectA-credentials.json &
2020/06/30 12:39:27 Listening on /tmp/cloudsql/proyectA:europe-west1:cloudsql-sandbox-ephemeral/.s.PGSQL.5432 for proyectA:europe-west1:cloudsql-sandbox-ephemeral
2020/06/30 12:39:27 Ready for new connections
Then try to connect with this application.properties:
running the Quarkus APP, get the error: ion: Conexión refused: localhost/ Caused by: java.net.ConnectException: Conection refused
But, the message appears to try connect using TCP instead Unix socket. It is posible connect quarkus datasource via unix socket?
Java code is so simple
private io.vertx.mutiny.pgclient.PgPool client;
(I can connect to cloud_sql_proxy using TCP without problems, but I need to configure unix socket to be able to deploy my quarkus app to cloud run with the cloud_sql_proxy)
To connect using a UNIX domain socket, the Reactive Pg client needs Netty native support.
First add the native transport jars to your project:
Then enable native transport in the Quarkus config file:
Finally, fix the reactive db url: